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2024-06-03 13:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Artist: (여자)아이들 ((G)I-DLE) Song: Oh My God (English Translation) Album: I Trust Year: 2020

This is the English Translation of the Korean version, for the English version lyrics click here: (G)I-DLE – Oh My God English Version Lyrics


Blinded by the glaring sky I’m in your embrace Hypnotized and captivated by the seductive music Help me help me, almost breathless I feel Set me free set me free, almost melting So sick

I’m falling endlessly And you’re playing with me You got me losing my mind, you intruder It’s so dangerous I want it Even if it costs all the pain And now I have you at last, I-

Oh my god She took me to the sky Oh my god She showed me all the stars

Babe Babe, as if you’re chasing me, Come in Make me make me lose my mind, Like it

Oh god, why are you leading me into temptation? Is it a call from hell? Can’t stop, How am I going to escape from her? The self-control you gave me has torn in pieces in the dark black hole I’ve lost my mind, Just confused Can’t control myself, it’s like sugarcoated poison If I’ve committed a sin, I’ll willingly take the punishment

Surreally beautiful at first, A devil at second You got me losing my mind, you intruder It’s fierce as fireworks I love it My love for you is burning hot And now I have you at last, I-

Oh my god She took me to the sky Oh my god She showed me all the stars

Deep violet fragrance all over the body Diffuses to the ends of the big sky Deep red love engraved on the face Who cares now, I fall in love

Oh my god She took me to the sky Oh my god She showed me all the stars

Blinded by the glaring sky I’m in your embrace Hypnotized and captivated by the music being played

Credits to: TongTongTv

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